Windows 10 Home Setup From Scratch Without Password

From a security standpoint, there are some drawbacks to this setup, mainly if your laptop/desktop/tablet gets stolen, and you have saved passwords, nothing is stopping the user to grabbing more data/monies from bank accounts

Developed By: David Catino

This workaround mainly functions via not setting up the internet while installing windows 10 Home (Pro supports offline accounts, without tricking Microsoft)

Warning always backup all data of the drives connected to the computer that is being used.

You never know when you'll mis-click and wind up formatting a partition you didnt want formatted

Audience: a little bit more technical for this tutorial

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any data loss, misshaps, or if this tutorial stops working

  1. First boot to the install process and get to this screen, then click next
  2. Click Install Now
  3. Click I don't have a product key (the keys are usually based off the cpu information which gets pinged from Microsoft)
  4. Click the Windows 10 version you already have a key for (for this tutorial we're working with Home edition')
  5. Click the Checkbox and then Next
  6. Click Custom option (this is great if you're deleting a windows 8 recovery partition)
  7. (Assuming a new HD/SSD) Highlight the Unallocated Space and click New
  8. Type in the amount of space you want to use (if you want to dual boot leave like 20 gigs free for some os like Linux)
  9. Click OK on the prompt
  10. Highlight the partition that was created in the middle or the end (usually the biggest partion (this is your new C:))
  11. Wait like feels forever as Microsoft sets up the Windows OS, while waiting, this is a great time to disconnect the ethernet cord (if plugged in)
  12. If using a vm, double check that the internet is still disconnected upon reboot
  13. Highlight United States (if in US), click Yes
  14. Highlight US (if in the United States), click Yes
  15. Click I don't have internet
  16. Click on Continue with limited setup
  17. Type in the offline username you want to create, click Next
  18. Don't type anything in the password text box (this is what creates no passwords for the login), Click Next
  19. Chose what options you wish to help out Microsoft, then click Accept
  20. Click No unless you lose files and where programs are on your machine (then you probably shouldn't be following this tutorial')
  21. Click not now unless you want another virtual assistant (so if you dont have Siri, S Voice, Google Assistant)
  22. After some time you should be greeted with a fresh Windows 10 install.
    This section is how to verify the lack of password functionality worked.
    Click Start
  23. Click on the symbol next to the UserName (which in this case is NoPassword)
    Then Click Sign out
  24. Hit Control Alt and Delete on the keyboard, slide up on the background or double click
  25. Click sign-in and enjoy no passwords without giving Microsoft an extra $150 for a Windows 10 Professional license
  26. This is just a screengrab verifying which version of Windows 10 this was used.